Michelle Hazell

Michelle Hazell

Volunteer Coordinator

Aged Care and Disability Services
Michelle's Contact Details
Phone: 1300 336 488

Personal Bio

Michelle Hazell is the Volunteer Co-ordinator for Omnicare. Michelle’s role involves working closely with the HR, Meals Branches and Social Support Group Teams, through all stages of a Volunteer’s journey with Omnicare from initial contact, to on-boarding, training, recognition and meeting compliance regulations. Furthermore, promoting and raising the profile of volunteering within Omnicare both internally and externally. Michelle is also co-ordinating some of Omnicare's Events such as Client Advisory Council and our Cooking for One Programme, together with focusing on raising our volunteer numbers across the Region. Michelle was made in England, and after studying for her secretarial Diploma in English and French, she had a 20 year career as a secretary and latterly Executive Assistant for companies large and small, in a wide range of industries in England, and after emigrating in 2001, Australia. Then followed a 16 year career break to raise her son, now aged 16 and daughter, aged nearly 13. In her spare time, Michelle enjoys spending time with her children, cooking, reading, horse riding in the State Forests, Dressage, caring for her pets and boating on the Hastings River. For the last 4 years, Michelle has worked as an Administration Assistant for a boutique bookkeeping company, 1 day per week. Michelle is finding her new full-time role extremely rewarding. Michelle hasn’t carried out any formal charity work, although she likes to help those around her, when she can, in areas including single parenting and animal rescue. Last year Michelle cared for her elderly mother full-time for 6 months after a serious medical episode, which she found to be a time of huge growth for her personally. Therefore, this opportunity to contribute, by assisting those most vulnerable in our Community, through her role at Omnicare is extra special to her .